Source code for ship.fmp.datunits.orificeunit


    Contains the OrificeUnit type classes.
    This holds all of the data read in from the orifice units in the dat file.
    Can be called to load in the data and read and update the contents 
    held in the object.
    The OutfallUnit is also in here. It has the same setup as the OrificeUnit
    so it subclasses orifice.

     Duncan Runnacles

     Duncan Runnacles 2016




from __future__ import unicode_literals

from ship.fmp.datunits.isisunit import AUnit
from ship.fmp.headdata import HeadDataItem
from ship.datastructures import DATA_TYPES as dt
from ship.utils import utilfunctions as uf

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
"""logging references with a __name__ set to this module."""

[docs]class OrificeUnit(AUnit): '''Class for dealing with Orifice units in the .dat file.''' # Class constants UNIT_TYPE = 'orifice' UNIT_CATEGORY = 'orifice' FILE_KEY = 'ORIFICE' FILE_KEY2 = None def __init__(self, **kwargs): '''Constructor. ''' AUnit.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._unit_type = OrificeUnit.UNIT_TYPE self._unit_category = OrificeUnit.UNIT_CATEGORY self._name = 'orif' self.head_data = { 'comment': HeadDataItem('', '', 0, 0, dtype=dt.STRING), 'type': HeadDataItem('OPEN', '{:>10}', 1, 0, dtype=dt.CONSTANT, choices=('OPEN', 'FLAPPED')), 'invert_level': HeadDataItem(0.000, '{:>10}', 2, 0, dtype=dt.FLOAT, dps=3), 'soffit_level': HeadDataItem(0.000, '{:>10}', 2, 1, dtype=dt.FLOAT, dps=3), 'bore_area': HeadDataItem(0.000, '{:>10}', 2, 2, dtype=dt.FLOAT, dps=3), 'us_sill_level': HeadDataItem(0.000, '{:>10}', 2, 3, dtype=dt.FLOAT, dps=3), 'ds_sill_level': HeadDataItem(0.000, '{:>10}', 2, 4, dtype=dt.FLOAT, dps=3), 'shape': HeadDataItem('RECTANGLE', '{:>10}', 2, 5, dtype=dt.CONSTANT, choices=('RECTANGLE', 'CIRCULAR')), 'weir_flow': HeadDataItem(0.000, '{:>10}', 3, 0, dtype=dt.FLOAT, dps=3), 'surcharged_flow': HeadDataItem(0.000, '{:>10}', 3, 1, dtype=dt.FLOAT, dps=3), 'modular_limit': HeadDataItem(0.000, '{:>10}', 3, 2, dtype=dt.FLOAT, dps=3), }
[docs] def icLabels(self): """Overriddes superclass method.""" return [self._name, self._name_ds]
[docs] def linkLabels(self): """Overriddes superclass method.""" return {'name':, 'name_ds': self.name_ds}
[docs] def readUnitData(self, unit_data, file_line): '''Reads the given data into the object. See Also: isisunit. Args: unit_data (list): The raw file data to be processed. ''' self.head_data['comment'].value = unit_data[file_line][8:].strip() self.head_data['type'].value = unit_data[file_line + 1].strip() self._name = unit_data[file_line + 2][:12].strip() self._name_ds = unit_data[file_line + 2][12:].strip() self.head_data['invert_level'].value = unit_data[file_line + 3][:10].strip() self.head_data['soffit_level'].value = unit_data[file_line + 3][10:20].strip() self.head_data['bore_area'].value = unit_data[file_line + 3][20:30].strip() self.head_data['us_sill_level'].value = unit_data[file_line + 3][30:40].strip() self.head_data['ds_sill_level'].value = unit_data[file_line + 3][40:50].strip() self.head_data['shape'].value = unit_data[file_line + 3][50:60].strip() self.head_data['weir_flow'].value = unit_data[file_line + 4][:10].strip() self.head_data['surcharged_flow'].value = unit_data[file_line + 4][10:20].strip() self.head_data['modular_limit'].value = unit_data[file_line + 4][20:30].strip() return file_line + 4
[docs] def getData(self): '''Returns the formatted data for this unit. See Also: isisunit. Returns: List of strings formatted for writing to the new dat file. ''' out = [] out.append('ORIFICE ' + self.head_data['comment'].value) out.append('\n'+self.head_data['type'].value) out.append('\n{:<12}'.format(self._name) + '{:<12}'.format(self._name_ds)) key_order = ['invert_level', 'soffit_level', 'bore_area', 'us_sill_level', 'ds_sill_level', 'shape', 'weir_flow', 'surcharged_flow', 'modular_limit'] for k in key_order: out.append(self.head_data[k].format(True)) out_data = ''.join(out).split('\n') return out_data
[docs]class OutfallUnit(OrificeUnit): '''Class for dealing with Outfall units in the .dat file. Subclasses the orifice unit because they are essentially the same as far as the .dat file setup goes. ''' # Class constants UNIT_TYPE = 'outfall' UNIT_CATEGORY = 'orifice' FILE_KEY = 'OUTFALL' FILE_KEY2 = None def __init__(self, **kwargs): '''Constructor. ''' OrificeUnit.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._unit_type = OutfallUnit.UNIT_TYPE self._unit_category = OutfallUnit.UNIT_CATEGORY self._name = 'outf' self._name_ds = 'outfds'
[docs]class FloodReliefUnit(OrificeUnit): '''Class for dealing with flood relief arch units in the .dat file. Subclasses the orifice unit because they are essentially the same as far as the .dat file setup goes. ''' # Class constants UNIT_TYPE = 'flood_relief' CATEGORY = 'orifice' FILE_KEY = 'FLOOD RELIEF' FILE_KEY2 = None def __init__(self, **kwargs): '''Constructor. ''' OrificeUnit.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._unit_type = FloodReliefUnit.UNIT_TYPE self._unit_category = FloodReliefUnit.UNIT_CATEGORY self._name = 'FRelUs' self._name_ds = 'FRelDs'