Source code for ship.fmp.unitgroups


    Contains classes for grouping AUnit types based on certain conditions.
    Currently contains:
        - LinkedUnits:
            Stores all of the direct associates of a particular unit. See the
            linkedUnits() method in DatCollection for more information.

     Duncan Runnacles

     02 Dec 2016

     Duncan Runnacles 2016




from __future__ import unicode_literals

[docs]class LinkedUnits(object): """Stores all units directly associated to a specific unit. main_unit: the unit to derive associates from. us_unit: the unit immediately above main_unit in the .dat/.ied file. ds_unit: the unit immediately below main_unit in the .dat/.ied file. named_units: all units that are specifically referenced by the main_unit within it's head_data (e.g. remote_us and remote_ds in bridge units). junctions: a list of all of the junctions that refer to the main_unit. Each list entry contains a tuple where [0] is the JunctionUnit and [1] is a list of units referenced by that junction. """ def __init__(self, main_unit): self.main_unit = main_unit self.us_unit = None self.ds_unit = None self.named_unit = [] self.junctions = []
[docs] def addLinkedUnit(self, unit, link_type, additionals=None): """Add a unit to this LinkedUnits contents. Args: unit: the unit to add. link_type(str): the type of unit being added. Includes: 'upstream', 'downstream', 'named' and 'junction'. additionals=None(list): used when link_type == 'junction' contains a list of all of the units referened by the JunctionUnit. """ if link_type == 'upstream': self.us_unit = unit if link_type == 'downstream': self.ds_unit = unit if link_type == 'named': self.named_units.append(unit) if link_type == 'junction': self.junctions.append((unit, None)) if additionals: self.junctions[-1][1] = additionals