Source code for ship.tuflow.datafiles.datafileobject


    Used for accessing files that contain data and links to other files.
    contains a factory method that will select the correct concrete 
    implementation of ADataFileObject for the user based on the contents of
    the DataFile variables given as a parameter.

    Contains the abstract ADataFileObject class and concrete implmentations.

     Duncan Runnacles
     01 Apr 2016
     Duncan Runnacles 2016



from __future__ import unicode_literals

import os

from ship.utils import filetools
# from ship.datastructures.rowdatacollection import DataTypes
from ship.datastructures.rowdatacollection import RowDataCollection#, DataTypes

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ADataFileObject(object): """Abstract superclass for all data file objects. All classes that deal with reading and writing data from the DataFile derivation of TuflowFilePart should create an implementation of this class. Loading of the data should be separated into the DataFileLoader module to reduce the complexity of these classes. Primarily these classes are for data access and handling although they also must contain a method for writing the data back to file. See Also: DataFile DataFileLoader """ def __init__(self, row_collection, file_part, comment_lines=[], args_dict={}): self.row_collection = row_collection self.path_holder = file_part self.type = self.path_holder.extension self.command = self.path_holder.command self.keys = None self.subfiles = [] self.comment_lines = comment_lines self.evt_src_data = args_dict
[docs] def getDataObject(self, key): """Returns the ADataObject associated with the given key. The Keys for each class are usually defined by a related enum. These should be used when calling this function. Args: key (int): values associated with the different data types. Return: ADataObject: containing the data stipulated by the given key. Raises: KeyError: if key value does not exist. """ if self.keys is None or not key in self.keys.ITERABLE: raise KeyError ('Key %s does not match any avialable' % (key)) return self.row_collection.getDataObject(key)
[docs] def dataObjectAsList(self, key): """Returns the a list of the data associated with the given key. The Keys for each class are usually defined by a related enum. These should be used when calling this function. Args: key (int): values associated with the different data types. Return: list: containing the data stipulated by the given key. Raises: KeyError: if key value does not exist. """ if self.keys is None or not key in self.keys.ITERABLE: raise KeyError ('Key %s does not match any avialable' % (key)) outlist = [] data = self.row_collection.dataObject(key) outlist = [d for d in data] return outlist
[docs] def saveData(self, plus_subfiles=False): """Save the current state of the data contained by this instance. Unless plus_subfiles == False all subfile data will be saved as well. Args: plus_subfiles=False (bool): if True all associated subfile will be saved to their current state as well. Raises: IOError: if there is a problem writing to file. """ try: contents = self._getPrintableContents() filetools.writeFile(contents, self.path_holder.absolutePath()) except IOError: logger.error('Could not write contents for %s file to %s' % (self.path_holder.extension, self.path_holder.absolutePath())) raise IOError ('Unable to write file to disc') if self.subfiles and plus_subfiles: for subfile in self.subfiles: try: contents = subfile._getPrintableContents() filetools.writeFile(contents, subfile.path_holder.absolutePath()) except IOError: logger.error('Could not write contents for %s file to %s' % (subfile.path_holder.absolutePath())) raise
[docs] def addSubfile(self, subfile): """Add a subfile to this object. Subfiles are separate data files that are references by the contents of an ADatafileObject instance. They should be derived from ADatafileSubFile. Args: subfile (ADataFileSubfile): subfile to add. Raises: TypeError if subfile is not of type ADataFileSubfile See Also: ADataFileSubfile """ if not isinstance(subfile, ADataFileSubfile): raise TypeError ('subfile is not an instance of ADataFileSubFile') self.subfiles.append(subfile)
[docs] def changeRoot(self, root): """Updates the root variable in the path_holder Args: root (str): new root directory. """ self.path_holder.root = root for s in self.subfiles: s.path_holder.root = root
[docs] def getAllPaths(self, include_this=True, name_only=False, resolve_paths=True): """Get all paths held by this object Args: include_this=True(bool): if True it includes the path of this DatafileObject. name_only=False(bool): if True only the filename will be returned. resolver_name=True(bool): if True any placeholders in the filename will be replaced with the value set in the EventSourceData. Return: list - containing all the filepaths referenced by this object. """ paths = [] if include_this: if not name_only: paths.append(self.path_holder.absolutePath()) else: paths.append(self.path_holder.filenameAndExtension()) for s in self.subfiles: if not name_only: paths.append(s.path_holder.absolutePath()) else: paths.append(s.path_holder.filenameAndExtension()) if resolve_paths: paths = self.resolveEvtSrc(paths) return paths
[docs] def resolveEvtSrc(self, values): """Replace placeholders with values in the given list. Placeholder values can be used in most of the data files to define filenames, variables, etc. This method will replace the placeholder with the corresponding value if found in the EventSourceData. Args: value(list): str's to replace placeholders in. """ out = [] placeholders = self.evt_src_data.keys() for v in values: for holder in placeholders: v = v.replace(holder, self.evt_src_data[holder]) out.append(v) return out
def _getPrintableContents(self): """Format the data held by this object for writing to file.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class XsEnum(object): """Enum for accessing data in CrossSectionDataObject.""" SOURCE, TYPE, FLAGS, COLUMN_1, COLUMN_2, COLUMN_3, COLUMN_4, COLUMN_5, \ COLUMN_6, Z_INCREMENT, Z_MAXIMUM, SKEW = range(12) ITERABLE = range(12)
[docs]class XsDataObject(ADataFileObject): """ """ def __init__(self, row_collection, file_part, comment_lines=[]): """ """ ADataFileObject.__init__(self, row_collection, file_part, comment_lines) self.keys = XsEnum() def _getPrintableContents(self): """Format data held by this object for writing to file.""" logger.warning('It is not currently possible to save changes from XsDataObjects') raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class TmfDataObject(ADataFileObject): """Concrete implementation of the ADataFileObject class. Used for reading/writing tuflow .tmf materials files. """ def __init__(self, row_collection, file_part, comment_lines): """Constructor Args: row_collection (rowdatacollection): row data from file. file_part (DataFile): containing the path info for the file. comment_lines (list): containing the contents of any comment only lines in the file. """ ADataFileObject.__init__(self, row_collection, file_part, comment_lines) self.keys = TmfEnum() def _getPrintableContents(self): """Format the data held by this object for writing to file.""" file_length = self.row_collection.numberOfRows() out_contents = range(file_length) data_rows = self.row_collection.dataObject('row_no') no_of_rows = self.row_collection.numberOfRows() for i in range(0, no_of_rows): self.row_collection.deleteDataObject('row_no') out_contents[data_rows.getValue(i)] = self.row_collection.getPrintableRow(i) # Add any comment lines in for i, c in enumerate(self.comment_lines): if not c is None: out_contents.insert(i, c) return out_contents
[docs]class BcEnum(object): """Enum for accessing data in BcDataObject """ NAME, SOURCE, COLUMN1, COLUMN2, ADD_COL_1, MULT_COL, ADD_COL_2, \ COLUMN_3, COLUMN_4 = range(9) ITERABLE = range(9)
[docs]class BcDataObject(ADataFileObject): '''Concrete implementation of the ADataFileObject class. Reads/Writes the data in tuflow boundary condition database csv files. ''' def __init__(self, row_collection, file_part, comment_lines, args_dict={}): """Constructor Args: row_collection (rowdatacollection): row data from file. file_part (DataFile): containing the path info for the file. comment_lines (list): containing the contents of any comment only lines in the file. """ ADataFileObject.__init__(self, row_collection, file_part, comment_lines, args_dict) self.keys = BcEnum()
[docs] def getAllPaths(self, include_this=True, name_only=False, resolve_paths=True): """Get all paths held by this object Overrides superclass method. Args: Return: """ paths = [] if include_this: if not name_only: paths.append(self.path_holder.absolutePath()) else: paths.append(self.path_holder.filenameAndExtension()) source = self.row_collection.dataObject(self.keys.SOURCE) for s in source: if not name_only: paths.append(os.path.join(self.path_holder.root, self.path_holder.parent_relative_root, self.path_holder.relative_root, s)) else: paths.append(s) if resolve_paths: paths = self.resolveEvtSrc(paths) return paths
def _getPrintableContents(self): """Format data for printing to file""" data_rows = self.row_collection.dataObject('row_no') header_row = self.row_collection.dataObject('actual_header').getDataCollection() no_of_rows = self.row_collection.numberOfRows() out_contents = range(no_of_rows) for i in range(0, no_of_rows): self.row_collection.deleteDataObject('row_no') self.row_collection.deleteDataObject('actual_header') out_contents[data_rows.getValue(i)] = self.row_collection.getPrintableRow(i) header_row = ', '.join(header_row) out_contents.insert(0, header_row) # Add any comment lines in for i, c in enumerate(self.comment_lines): if not c is None: out_contents.insert(i, ' ,'.join(c)) return out_contents
[docs]class MatCsvEnum(object): """Enum for accessing data in MatCsvDataObject """ ID, MANNINGS, N1, Y1, N2, Y2, SUBFILE_NAME, HEADER1, HEADER2, IL, CL, \ HAZARD_ID = range(12) ITERABLE = range(12)
[docs]class MatCsvDataObject(ADataFileObject): '''Concrete implementation of the ADataFileObject class. Reads/Writes the data in tuflow Materials csv files. ''' def __init__(self, row_collection, file_part, comment_lines, args_dict={}): """Constructor Args: row_collection (rowdatacollection): row data from file. file_part (DataFile): containing the path info for the file. comment_lines (list): containing the contents of any comment only lines in the file. """ ADataFileObject.__init__(self, row_collection, file_part, comment_lines, args_dict) self.keys = MatCsvEnum() def _getPrintableContents(self): """Format the data held by this object for writing to file.""" # Grab these because they need deleting in the loop. data_rows = self.row_collection.getDataObject('row_no') header_row = self.row_collection.getDataObject('actual_header').getDataCollection() comment_row = self.row_collection.getDataObject('comment').getDataCollection() no_of_rows = self.row_collection.numberOfRows() out_contents = range(no_of_rows) # Get each row in the collection. Need to delete values not written to # file on each iteration. for i in range(0, no_of_rows): self.row_collection.deleteDataObject('row_no') self.row_collection.deleteDataObject('actual_header') self.row_collection.deleteDataObject('comment') out_contents[data_rows.getValue(i)] = self._refactorPrintableRow(self.row_collection.getPrintableRow(i)) + comment_row[i+1] # Add the header names to the start of the list. header_row = self._refactorPrintableRow(header_row, True) header_row = ', '.join(header_row) + comment_row[0] out_contents.insert(0, header_row) # Add any comment lines in for i, c in enumerate(self.comment_lines): if not c is None: out_contents.insert(i, ' ,'.join(c)) return out_contents def _refactorPrintableRow(self, data_row, is_header=False): """Converts the values from individual back to tuflow recognised groupings. Tuflow can have multiple values grouped under a single heading. E.g. Mannings can equal: * Single value. * Two n values and two depth values. * A file name and up to two column headers. This takes the separated values and groups them back together again. Args: data_row (list): The row taken from the RowCollection. is_header=False (bool): true if this is a header row. Return: string: comma seperated for writing to file. """ out_row = [''] * 5 if is_header: out_row[0] = data_row[0] out_row[1] = data_row[1] out_row[2] = data_row[9] out_row[3] = data_row[11] return out_row # ID is always a single value data_row = data_row.split(',') out_row[0] = data_row[0].strip() # if only a single manning's n value if not data_row[1] == ' ': out_row[1] = data_row[1].strip() # otherwise it's multiple mannings n and depth values elif not data_row[2] == ' ': out_row[1] = '\"' + data_row[2].strip() + ',' + data_row[3].strip() + ',' + data_row[4].strip() + ',' + data_row[5].strip() + '\"' # Or finally it could be file name and headers else: out_row[1] = data_row[6].strip() if not data_row[7] == ' ': out_row[1] += ' | ' + data_row[7].strip() if not data_row[8] == ' ': out_row[1] += ' | ' + data_row[8].strip() # Infiltration parametres out_row[2] = '\"' + data_row[9].strip() + ', ' + data_row[10].strip() + '\"' # Land use hazard out_row[3] = data_row[11].strip() out_row = ','.join(out_row) return out_row
[docs]class ADataFileSubfile(object): """Abstract super class for and ADataFileObject contained subfiles. Any files that are referenced by the ADataFileObject and which need to be read in should be included in the ADataFileObject's self.subfiles list and be derived from this class. """ def __init__(self, path_holder, row_collection, filename, comment_lines=[], args_dict={}): """Constructor. Args: path_holder (PathHolder): containing file path data. row_collection (rowdatacollection): containing all of the row data read from file. filename (string): the name of file the object is based on. comment_lines=[] (list): containing any comment only lines that do not need accessing from within the row data. """ self.path_holder = path_holder self.row_collection = row_collection self.keys = None self.filename = filename self.comment_lines = comment_lines def _getPrintableContents(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class SubfileMatEnum(object): """Enum for use in accessing data in DataFileSubfileMat""" NAME, DEPTH, MANNINGS = range(3) ITERABLE = range(9)
[docs]class DataFileSubfileMat(ADataFileSubfile): """Concrete instance of ADataFileSubfile""" def __init__(self, path_holder, row_collection, comment_lines, filename, head1_location, head2_location): """Constructor. Args: path_holder (PathHolder): containing file path data. row_collection (rowdatacollection): containing all of the row data read from file. filename (string): the name of file the object is based on. comment_lines=[] (list): containing any comment only lines that do not need accessing from within the row data. head1_location (int): location of the first key header in the file columns. head2_location (int): location of the second key header in the file columns. """ ADataFileSubfile.__init__(self, path_holder, row_collection, filename, comment_lines) self.keys = SubfileMatEnum() self.head1_location = head1_location self.head2_location = head2_location def _getPrintableContents(self): """Format data for printing to file""" data_rows = self.row_collection.dataObject('row_no') header_row = self.row_collection.dataObject('actual_header').getDataCollection() no_of_rows = self.row_collection.numberOfRows() out_contents = range(no_of_rows) for i in range(0, no_of_rows): self.row_collection.deleteDataObject('row_no') self.row_collection.deleteDataObject('actual_header') out_contents[data_rows.getValue(i)] = self.row_collection.getPrintableRow(i) header_row = ', '.join(header_row) out_contents.insert(0, header_row) # Add any comment lines in for i, c in enumerate(self.comment_lines): if not c is None: out_contents.insert(i, ' ,'.join(c)) return out_contents