Source code for ship.tuflow.tuflowfilepart


     Contains all of the TuflowPart type classes used to store the data within
     Tuflow control files.

     Duncan Runnacles

     20 Nov 2016

     Duncan Runnacles 2016



from __future__ import unicode_literals

import copy
import uuid
import os

from ship.utils.filetools import PathHolder
from ship.tuflow import FILEPART_TYPES as fpt
from ship.utils import utilfunctions as uf
# from ship.tuflow.tuflowmodel import EventSourceData

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
"""logging references with a __name__ set to this module."""

[docs]class AssociatedParts(object): """Stores associate TuflowPart references. Every TuflowPart will hold a copy of this class. It is used to store references to any other TuflowPart's that it has an association with. """ def __init__(self, parent, **kwargs): self._parent = None self.parent = parent self.sibling_prev = None self.sibling_next = None self._logic = None self.notify_active_changed = kwargs.get('notify_active', None) @property def parent(self): return self._parent @parent.setter def parent(self, value): if self._parent is not None: self._parent.observers.remove(self) self._parent = value if value is not None: self._parent.observers.append(self) @property def logic(self): return self._logic @logic.setter def logic(self, value): if self._logic is not None: self._logic.observers.remove(self) self._logic = value if value is not None: self._logic.observers.append(self)
[docs] def observedActiveChange(self, status): """called by the parent when registered as an observer.""" self.notify_active_changed(status)
[docs]class TuflowPart(object): """Interface for all TuflowPart's. All components containing data stored by ControlFile subclass this one. """ def __init__(self, parent, obj_type, **kwargs): self.TOP_CLASS = 'part' self.hash = uuid.uuid4() self.obj_type = obj_type self._active = kwargs.get('active', True) self.filepart_type = kwargs.get('filepart_type', None) = AssociatedParts(parent, notify_active=self._parentActiveChanged) if 'logic' in kwargs.keys() and kwargs['logic'] is not None: = kwargs['logic'] self.observers = [] """This is a poor man's observer interface. If an object wants to be notified of key internal changes, such as the Logic being activated/deactivated, then can add themselves to this list. If an object is added to this list it should implement the following methods: - observedActiveChange(bool) """ def _parentActiveChanged(self, status): """Called when self.associated observedActiveChanged is called.""" = status @property def active(self): return self._active @active.setter def active(self, value): if not value == False: value = True self._active = value for o in self.observers: o.observedActiveChange(value)
[docs] def allParents(self, parent_list): """Get all the hash codes of all parents to this object. Recursive method to search up through all of the parents - in the associates object - and retrieve their hash codes. The parent hash codes will be returned in ascending order. I.e. the immediate parent will be at index 0, then it's parent, and so on. Note: parent_list arg is used to pass the found parents through the recursion. When calling this method you should probably always provide an empty list. Return: list - containing the hash codes for every parent of the called TuflowPart in assending order. """ if is not None: parent_list.append( parent_list = return parent_list
[docs] def isInSeVals(self, se_vals): """Check that this TuflowPart or it's parents are inside given logic terms. The parents must be checked when a part doesn't have a reference to any logic because the part may exists inside a control file that does have a logic clause. In this situation the part would not have any logic directly assigned to it, but would be within the logical clause by virtue of it's parent being inside it... Example:: : a_tcf_file.tcf... If Scenario == somescenario tgc1.tgc Else tgc2.tgc End If tgc1.tgc... ! This file's logic == None, but if scenario == 'somescenario' it ! should not be returned. Read GIS Z Line == afile.shp Args: part(TuflowPart): the part to check logic terms for. user_vars(UserVariables): containing the current scenario and event values. Return: bool - True if it's in the logic terms, or False otherwise. """ logic = None p = self # If the part doesn't have any logic check the parents. while True: if is not None: logic = break if is None: break p = if logic is None: return True is_in = logic.isInTerms(p, se_vals) return is_in
[docs] def resolvePlaceholder(value, user_vars): """Replaces the contents of a placeholder value with an actual value. Tuflow allows scenario, event and user defined variables to be used as placeholders. This method will check for a given value against a dict of current variables and update the value if found. Example:: # Original tcf command Cell Size == <<myvar>> Read Materials File == '..\Materials_<<s1>>.tmf Timestep == <<unknownvar>> # user_vars note that this includes all variable in UserVars in # a single dict user_vars = { 's1': 'scen1', 's2': 'scen2', 'e1': 'event1', 'e2': 'event2', 'myvar': '12' } # The above commands would return the following values when the # above user_vars are given. Cell Size == 12 Read Materials File == '..\Materials_scen1.tmf Timestep == <<unknownvar>> Args: value: the value to check for a placeholder and replace. user_vars(dict): see UserVariables.variablesTodict(). Return: the value, updated if found or the same if not. """ for vkey in user_vars.keys(): temp = '<<' + vkey + '>>' if vkey in value: value = value.replace(temp, user_vars[vkey]) return value
[docs] def getPrintableContents(self, **kwargs): """ """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def buildPrintline(self, command, instruction, comment=''): output = [command, '==', instruction] if comment: output += ['!', comment] return ' '.join(output)
def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, TuflowPart) and other.hash == self.hash @classmethod
[docs] def copy(self, **kwargs): new_version = copy.deepcopy(self) new_version.hash = uuid.uuid4() strip_unique = kwargs('strip_unique', True) keep_logic = kwargs('keep_logic', False) if strip_unique: new_version.sibling_next = None new_version.sibling_prev = None new_version.comment = '' if not keep_logic: new_version.logic = None return new_version
[docs]class UnknownPart(TuflowPart): def __init__(self, parent, **kwargs): self.TOP_CLASS = 'unknown' TuflowPart.__init__(self, parent, 'unknown', **kwargs) = kwargs['data'] # raises keyerror
[docs] def getPrintableContents(self, **kwargs): return, False
[docs]class ATuflowVariable(TuflowPart): def __init__(self, parent, obj_type='variable', **kwargs): TuflowPart.__init__(self, parent, obj_type, **kwargs) self.TOP_CLASS = 'avariable' self.command = kwargs['command'] # raise valuerror self._variable = kwargs['variable'].strip() self.comment = kwargs.get('comment', '') @property def variable(self): return self._variable @variable.setter def variable(self, value): self._variable = value
[docs] def resolvedVariable(self, user_vars): """Return the variable with any placeholder vars resolved to a value. For more information on user_vars see TuflowPart.resolvePlaceholder. """ return TuflowPart.resolvePlaceholder(self.variable, user_vars)
[docs]class TuflowVariable(ATuflowVariable): """ """ def __init__(self, parent, **kwargs): """ kwargs(dict): the component of this parts command line:: - 'variable': 'one or more variable' - 'command': 'command string' - 'comment': 'comment at end of command' """ ATuflowVariable.__init__(self, parent, 'variable', **kwargs) self.split_char = kwargs.get('split_char', ' ') self.split_char = self.split_char.replace('\s', ' ') self._createSplitVariable(self.variable) @property def variable(self): return self._variable @variable.setter def variable(self, value): self._variable = value self._createSplitVariable(value) @property def split_variable(self): return self._split_variable @split_variable.setter def split_variable(self, value): if len(value) > 1: s = self.split_char if self.split_char == ' ' else ' ' + self.split_char + ' ' s = s.join(value) else: s = value[0] self._variable = s self._split_variable = value def _createSplitVariable(self, variable): s = ' '.join(self._variable.split()) s = s.split(self.split_char) self._split_variable = [i.strip() for i in s]
[docs] def getPrintableContents(self, **kwargs): return self.buildPrintline(self.command, self._variable, self.comment), False
[docs]class TuflowUserVariable(ATuflowVariable): def __init__(self, parent, **kwargs): ATuflowVariable.__init__(self, parent, 'uservariable', **kwargs) self._variable_name = self.command.split('Set Variable ')[1].strip() @classmethod
[docs] def noParent(cls, key, variable): vars = {'command': '', 'variable': variable} uv = cls(None, vars) uv._variable_name = key return uv
@property def variable_name(self): return self._variable_name @variable_name.setter def variable_name(self, value): self._variable_name = value self.command = 'Set Variable ' + value
[docs] def getPrintableContents(self, **kwargs): return self.buildPrintline(self.command, uf.encodeStr(self._variable), self.comment), False
[docs]class TuflowModelVariable(ATuflowVariable): def __init__(self, parent, **kwargs): ATuflowVariable.__init__(self, parent, 'modelvariable', **kwargs) self._variable_name = kwargs['name'] if self._variable_name.upper().startswith('S'): self._variable_type = 'scenario' else: self._variable_type = 'event' @classmethod
[docs] def noParent(cls, key, variable): vars = {'command': key, 'variable': variable, 'name': key} mv = cls(None, **vars) return mv
@property def variable_name(self): return self._variable_name @variable_name.setter def variable_name(self, value): self._variable_name = value
[docs] def getPrintableContents(self, **kwargs): has_next = False; has_prev = False if is not None: has_prev = True if is not None: has_next = True line = [] if not has_prev: line.append(self.command + ' == ' + self._variable) else: line.append(' | ' + self._variable) if not has_next and self.comment: line.append('! ' + self.comment) return ' '.join(line), has_prev
[docs]class TuflowKeyValue(ATuflowVariable): """ """ def __init__(self, parent, **kwargs): ATuflowVariable.__init__(self, parent, 'keyvalue', **kwargs) keyval = self._variable.split('|') self.key = keyval[0].strip() self.value = keyval[1].strip()
[docs] def getPrintableContents(self, **kwargs): instruction = ' | '.join([self.key, self.value]) return self.buildPrintline(self.command, instruction, self.comment), False
[docs]class TuflowFile(TuflowPart, PathHolder): """ """ def __init__(self, parent, obj_type='file', **kwargs): """Constructor. **kwargs: - 'path': 'relative\path\to\file.ext' - 'command': 'command string' - 'comment': 'comment at the end of the command' Args: hash(str): unique code for this object. parent(str): unique hash code for this object. Raises: keyError: if kwargs 'root', 'command', 'path' are not given. """ root = kwargs['root'] # raises keyerror self.command = kwargs['command'] path = kwargs['path'] self.comment = kwargs.get('comment', '') TuflowPart.__init__(self, parent, obj_type, **kwargs) PathHolder.__init__(self, path, root) self.TOP_CLASS = 'file' self.all_types = None self.has_own_root = False
[docs] def absolutePathAllTypes(self, user_vars=None): """Get the absolute paths for all_types. If the file has other file types in all_types (e.g. .shp, shx, .dbf) this will return the absolute paths for all of them. Args: user_vars(dict): a dict containing variable placeholder values as keys and the actual values as values. See TuflowPart.resolvePlaceholder() method for more information. """ rel_roots = self.getRelativeRoots([]) paths = [] if self.all_types: all_types = self.all_types else: all_types = [self.extension] for a in all_types: f = self.filename + '.' + a if self.has_own_root: fpath = PathHolder.absolutePath(self, filename=f) else: fpath = PathHolder.absolutePath(self, filename=f, relative_roots=rel_roots) # Replace any variable placeholders if given if user_vars: fpath = TuflowPart.resolvePlaceholder(fpath, user_vars) paths.append(fpath) return paths
[docs] def absolutePath(self, user_vars=None): """Get the absolute path of this object. Args: user_vars(dict): a dict containing variable placeholder values as keys and the actual values as values. See TuflowPart.resolvePlaceholder() method for more information. """ if self.has_own_root: abs_path = PathHolder.absolutePath(self) else: rel_roots = self.getRelativeRoots([]) abs_path = PathHolder.absolutePath(self, relative_roots=rel_roots) # Replace any variable placeholders if given if user_vars: abs_path = TuflowPart.resolvePlaceholder(abs_path, user_vars) return abs_path
[docs] def filenameAndExtension(self, user_vars=None): if user_vars: name = self.resolvePlaceholder(self.filename, user_vars) if self.extension: name += '.' + self.extension return name else: return PathHolder.filenameAndExtension(self)
[docs] def filenameAllTypes(self, user_vars=None): orig_ext = self.extension names = [] names.append(self.filenameAndExtension(user_vars)) try: for a in self.all_types: self.extension = a names.append(self.filenameAndExtension(user_vars)) finally: self.extension = orig_ext return names
[docs] def getRelativeRoots(self, roots): """Get the relative paths of this and all parent objects. Recursively calls all of it's parents to obtain the relative paths before calling absolutePath of the PathHolder superclass. """ if not is None: if self.relative_root: roots.append(self.relative_root) return roots
[docs] def checkPipedStatus(self, path): has_next = False; has_prev = False if is not None: has_prev = True if is not None: has_next = True if has_next or has_prev: line = [] if not has_prev: line.append(self.command + ' == ' + path) else: line.append(' | ' + path) if not has_next and self.comment: line.append('! ' + self.comment) return ' '.join(line), has_prev else: return [], False
[docs] def getPrintableContents(self, **kwargs): if not self.relative_root == None and not self.has_own_root: path = self.relativePath() elif not self.root == None: path = os.path.join(self.root, self.filenameAndExtension()) else: path = self.filenameAndExtension() out, has_prev = self.checkPipedStatus(path) if out: return out, has_prev else: return self.buildPrintline(self.command, path, self.comment), False
[docs]class ModelFile(TuflowFile): def __init__(self, parent, **kwargs): TuflowFile.__init__(self, parent, 'model', **kwargs) self.model_type = kwargs['model_type'] self.has_auto = kwargs.get('has_auto', False)
[docs] def getPrintableContents(self, **kwargs): if self.model_type == 'ECF' and self.has_auto: line = 'Estry Control File Auto ' if self.comment: line += '! ' + self.comment line = (line, False) else: line = TuflowFile.getPrintableContents(self, **kwargs) return line
[docs]class ResultFile(TuflowFile): RESULT_TYPE = {'output': 'OUTPUT FOLDER', 'check': 'WRITE CHECK FILE', 'log': 'LOG'} def __init__(self, parent, **kwargs): TuflowFile.__init__(self, parent, 'result', **kwargs) self.filename_is_prefix = False self.result_type = 'UNKNOWN' for key, val in ResultFile.RESULT_TYPE.items(): if self.command.upper().startswith(val): self.result_type = key
[docs] def filenameAndExtension(self, user_vars=None): if self.filename_is_prefix: return '' else: return TuflowFile.filenameAndExtension(self, user_vars)
[docs]class GisFile(TuflowFile): GIS_TYPES = {'mi': ('mif', 'mid'), 'shp': ('shp', 'shx', 'dbf')} def __init__(self, parent, **kwargs): TuflowFile.__init__(self, parent, 'gis', **kwargs) # Needed to catch GIS files without an extension if self.filename == '': self.filename = os.path.basename(kwargs['path']) # Try and work out what kind of gis file it is when it doesn't have # an extension # DEBUG if self.extension == '': if 'test' in kwargs.keys(): self.extension = kwargs['test'] else: self.extension = 'mif' if not os.path.exists(self.absolutePath()): self.extension = 'mid' if not os.path.exists(self.absolutePath()): self.extension = 'shp' if not os.path.exists(self.absolutePath()): self.extension = '' self.gis_type = None for key in GisFile.GIS_TYPES: if self.extension in GisFile.GIS_TYPES[key]: self.all_types = GisFile.GIS_TYPES[key] self.gis_type = key
[docs]class DataFile(TuflowFile): DATA_TYPES = {'TMF': ('tmf',), 'CSV': ('csv',)} def __init__(self, parent, **kwargs): TuflowFile.__init__(self, parent, 'data', **kwargs) for d in DataFile.DATA_TYPES: if self.extension in DataFile.DATA_TYPES[d]: self.all_types = DataFile.DATA_TYPES[d] self.data_type = d
[docs]class TuflowLogic(TuflowPart): def __init__(self, parent, obj_type='logic', **kwargs): TuflowPart.__init__(self, parent, obj_type, **kwargs) self.TOP_CLASS = 'logic' = [] self.group_parts = [[]] self.terms = [[]] self.commands = [] self.comments = [] self._top_written = False self.remove_callback = None """Function called when a TuflowPart is removed.""" self.add_callback = None """Function called when a TuflowPart is added.""" self.check_sevals = False """Whether to check the scenarion event values.""" self.END_CLAUSE = 'End' """Override with with whatever the end statement is (e.g. 'End If')"""
[docs] def addPart(self, part, group=-1, **kwargs): """Add a new TuflowPart. **kwargs: skip_callback=False(bool): if true it won't call the callback function in the ControlFile. Basically don't use this. Args: part(TuflowPart): the part to add. group(int): the clause group to add the part to. skip_callback=False(bool): if true it won't call the callback function in the ControlFile. Basically don't change this. """ skip_callback = kwargs.get('skip_callback', False) = self self.group_parts[group].append(part) if not skip_callback: self.add_callback(part, self.group_parts[group][-1])
[docs] def insertPart(self, new_part, adjacent_part): """Insert a TuflowPart adjacent to an existing part. This allows you to have control over where in a group a part is placed. If you don't care where it goes in the group, or you want it to go at the end of the group use addPart() instead. Args: new_part(TuflowPart): the part to add. adjacent_part(TuflowPart): the part to put the new part next to. It will be placed above the existing part. """ if not adjacent_part.hash in raise ValueError('adjacent_part could not be found') g = self.getGroup(adjacent_part) index = self.group_parts[g].index(adjacent_part) = self self.group_parts[g].insert(index, new_part) self.add_callback(new_part, adjacent_part)
[docs] def removePart(self, part): """Remove a TuflowPart. Will also call a callback function to the ControlFile object that contains this TuflowLogic and ensure that the PartHolder order is updated. It just ensures that the TuflowPart is moved out of the scope of the parts still within the TuflowLogic. Args: part(TuflowPart): """ for p in if p == part.hash: break for i, group in enumerate(self.group_parts): for j, val in enumerate(group): if val == part: del self.group_parts[i][j] break if self.group_parts and self.group_parts[-1]: last_part = self.group_parts[-1][-1] else: last_part = None = None self.remove_callback(part, last_part)
[docs] def getAllParts(self, hash_only): """Return all of the TuflowParts in this TuflowLogic. Args: hash_only: if True the TuflowPart.hash codes otherwise the actual TuflowPart will be. Return: list - of TuflowPart's or TuflowPart.hash """ if not hash_only: parts = [] for group in self.group_parts: for p in group: parts.append(p) return parts else: return
[docs] def getGroup(self, part): """Return the group index of the given part. Args: part(TuflowPart): Return: int - the index of the group that this part is in, or -1 if it could not be found. """ for i, g in enumerate(self.group_parts): if part in g: return i else: return -1
[docs] def getLogic(self, hash_only): """TODO: Check what this does and if it's used.""" if is None: return None else: if hash_only: return else: return
[docs] def isTuflowPart(self, part): """Internal function.""" if isinstance(part, uuid.UUID): return False elif isinstance(part, TuflowPart): return True else: raise TypeError('filepart must be either TuflowPart or TuflowPart.hash')
[docs] def isInClause(self, part, term): """Test whether the given part is within a particular clause. Args: part(TuflowPart): check if it's in this TuflowLogic. term(str): term to check the part against. Return: bool - True if the term is part of one of the clauses in this TuflowLogic and the part is within that clause; Else False. """ for i, terms in enumerate(self.terms): for t in terms: if t == term: success = True if part in self.group_parts[i] else False return success return False
[docs] def allTerms(self): """Returns all of the terms in every clause.""" out = [] for terms in self.terms: out.extend(terms) return out
[docs] def isInTerms(self, part, se_vals): """Checks to see if the clause terms associated with part match se_vals. If the part is in an 'Else' clause it checks that the se_vals DON'T match any of the terms in any of the clauses. Args: part(TuflowPart): to find the terms for. If now reference of the part can be found False will be returned. se_Vals(dict): in format {'scenario': [list, of]. 'event': [terms]}. Return: bool - True if the part is within the given se_vals, otherwise False. """ retval = False group = self.getGroup(part) if group == -1: return False terms = self.terms[group] command = self.commands[group] se_keys = se_vals.keys() ''' If 'Else' we need to check if it's NOT in any of the terms. So check all of the terms and compare against the se_vals. If there's no match then we set retval to True. ''' if command.upper() == 'ELSE': all_terms = self.allTerms() found = True if 'scenario' in se_keys: found = set(all_terms).isdisjoint(set(se_vals['scenario'])) elif 'event' in se_keys: found = set(all_terms).isdisjoint(set(se_vals['event'])) if found == True: retval = True # Otherwise we need to check if this groups terms are in the se_vals else: for t in terms: if 'scenario' in se_keys and t in se_vals['scenario']: retval = True; break elif 'event' in se_keys and t in se_vals['event']: retval = True; break return retval
[docs] def getPrintableContents(self, part, out, group=0, **kwargs): """Return contents formatted for printing. Args: part(TuflowPart): current TuflowPart in PartHolder parts list. out(list): list to update. """ force = kwargs.get('force', False) out = self.getTopClause(part, [], False, **kwargs) return out
[docs] def getTopClause(self, part, out, force, **kwargs): """Get the top clause command and terms formatted for printing.""" if not force and not self.group_parts[0]: return out if force or self.group_parts[0][0] == part: self._top_written = True if out.insert(0, self._getContentsLine(0)) if not is None: out =, out, False) return out
[docs] def getEndClause(self, part): """Get the end clause formatted for printing.""" if self.group_parts[-1][-1] == part: self._top_written = False if return self.END_CLAUSE else: return '' return ''
def _getContentsLine(self, group=0): """Get a clause line formatted for printing. """ if group > len(self.group_parts): raise IndexError('Group %s does not exist' % group) if self.terms[group]:# is not None: t = ' | '.join(self.terms[group]) line = self.commands[group] + ' == ' + t else: line = self.commands[group] if self.comments[group]: line += ' ! ' + self.comments[group] return line
[docs]class IfLogic(TuflowLogic): def __init__(self, parent, **kwargs): """Constructor. **kwargs: 'command(str)': the command (e.g. If Scenario) for the opening clause. 'terms'(list): list of terms for the first clause (e.g. ['scen1', 'scen2', 'scenN']. 'comment'(str): any comment next to the first clause. Args: parent(ModelFile): that contains this TuflowLogic. """ TuflowLogic.__init__(self, parent, 'iflogic', **kwargs) self.commands = [kwargs['command'].strip()] self.all_terms = [] if kwargs['terms'] is not None: self.terms = [[i.strip() for i in kwargs['terms']]] self.all_terms.extend(kwargs['terms']) else: kwargs['terms'] = [None] self.comments = [kwargs.get('comment', '').strip()] self.check_sevals = True self.END_CLAUSE = 'End If'
[docs] def getPrintableContents(self, part, out, **kwargs): """Get the printable contents for this TuflowLogic.""" out = TuflowLogic.getPrintableContents(self, part, out, **kwargs) out = self.getMiddleClause(part, out) return out
[docs] def getMiddleClause(self, part, out): """Check to see if there's any middle clause. Used for writing out the clauses when printing to file. """ for i, val in enumerate(self.group_parts): if i > 0: if val[0] == part: if not self.group_parts[0] and not self._top_written: out = self.getTopClause(None, out, True) if out.append(self._getContentsLine(i)) return out
[docs] def addClause(self, command, terms, comment=''): """Add a new clause to this TuflowLogic. Args: command(str): the command part of the clause (e.g. 'Else if Event ==') terms(list): str's of terms for clause (e.g. ['evt1', 'evt2', 'evtN']. comment=''(str): any comment for the clause line. """ self.commands.append(command.strip()) if terms is not None: self.terms.append([i.strip() for i in terms]) else: self.terms.append([]) self.comments.append(comment) self.group_parts.append([])
[docs]class BlockLogic(TuflowLogic): """For any logic that uses a 'Define something'. I can only think of 'Define Event == term1 | term2 | termN', but maybe there are others? """ def __init__(self, parent, **kwargs): """Constructor. **kwargs: 'command(str)': the command (e.g. If Scenario) for the opening clause. 'terms'(list): list of terms for the first clause (e.g. ['scen1', 'scen2', 'scenN']. 'comment'(str): any comment next to the first clause. Args: parent(ModelFile): that contains this TuflowLogic. """ TuflowLogic.__init__(self, parent, 'blocklogic', **kwargs) self.commands = [kwargs['command'].strip()] if kwargs['terms'] is not None: self.terms = [[i.strip() for i in kwargs['terms']]] else: self.terms = [[]] self.comments = [kwargs.get('comment', '').strip()] self.check_sevals = True self.END_CLAUSE = 'End Define'
[docs] def addClause(self): """Only one clause allowed in this type.""" raise NotImplementedError('Not supported for this TuflowLogic type')
[docs]class SectionLogic(BlockLogic): """Used for all other types of scoping logic. This includes things like 'Define Output Zone ==' etc. The only real difference between this and BlockLogic is that BlockLogic sets check_sevals = True. It kind of makes sense to treat them slightly differently though as the BlockLogic and IfLogic are used with scenario and event logic. """ def __init__(self, parent, **kwargs): """Constructor. **kwargs: 'command(str)': the command (e.g. If Scenario) for the opening clause. 'terms'(list): list of terms for the first clause (e.g. ['scen1', 'scen2', 'scenN']. 'comment'(str): any comment next to the first clause. Args: parent(ModelFile): that contains this TuflowLogic. """ TuflowLogic.__init__(self, parent, 'sectionlogic', **kwargs) self.commands = [kwargs['command'].strip()] if kwargs['terms'] is not None: self.terms = [[i.strip() for i in kwargs['terms']]] else: self.terms = [[]] self.comments = [kwargs.get('comment', '').strip()] self.check_sevals = False self.END_CLAUSE = 'End Define'