Parser for DBF fields.
import sys
import datetime
import struct
from decimal import Decimal
from .memo import BinaryMemo
PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2
if PY2:
decode_text = unicode
decode_text = str
[docs]class InvalidValue(bytes):
def __repr__(self):
text = bytes.__repr__(self)
if PY2:
# Make sure the string starts with "b'" in
# "InvalidValue(b'value here')".
text = 'b' + text
return 'InvalidValue({})'.format(text)
[docs]class FieldParser:
def __init__(self, table, memofile=None):
"""Create a new field parser
encoding is the character encoding to use when parsing
self.table = table
self.dbversion = self.table.header.dbversion
self.encoding = table.encoding
self._lookup = self._create_lookup_table()
if memofile:
self.get_memo = memofile.__getitem__
self.get_memo = lambda x: None
def _create_lookup_table(self):
"""Create a lookup table for field types."""
lookup = {}
for name in dir(self):
if name.startswith('parse'):
field_type = name[5:]
if len(field_type) == 1:
lookup[field_type] = getattr(self, name)
elif len(field_type) == 2:
# Hexadecimal ASCII code for field name.
# Example: parse2B() ('+' field)
field_type = chr(int(field_type, 16))
lookup[field_type] = getattr(self, name)
return lookup
[docs] def field_type_supported(self, field_type):
"""Checks if the field_type is supported by the parser
field_type should be a one-character string like 'C' and 'N'.
Returns a boolen which is True if the field type is supported.
return field_type in self._lookup
[docs] def parse(self, field, data):
"""Parse field and return value"""
func = self._lookup[field.type]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError('Unknown field type: {!r}'.format(field.type))
return func(field, data)
[docs] def parse0(self, field, data):
"""Parse flags field and return as byte string"""
return data
[docs] def parseC(self, field, data):
"""Parse char field and return unicode string"""
return decode_text(data.rstrip(b'\0 '), self.encoding)
[docs] def parseD(self, field, data):
"""Parse date field and return datetime.date or None"""
return datetime.date(int(data[:4]), int(data[4:6]), int(data[6:8]))
except ValueError:
if data.strip(b' 0') == b'':
# A record containing only spaces and/or zeros is
# a NULL value.
return None
raise ValueError('invalid date {!r}'.format(data))
[docs] def parseF(self, field, data):
"""Parse float field and return float or None"""
if data.strip():
return float(data)
return None
[docs] def parseI(self, field, data):
"""Parse integer or autoincrement field and return int."""
# Todo: is this 4 bytes on every platform?
return struct.unpack('<i', data)[0]
[docs] def parseL(self, field, data):
"""Parse logical field and return True, False or None"""
if data in b'TtYy':
return True
elif data in b'FfNn':
return False
elif data in b'? ':
return None
# Todo: return something? (But that would be misleading!)
message = 'Illegal value for logical field: {!r}'
raise ValueError(message.format(data))
def _parse_memo_index(self, data):
if len(data) == 4:
return struct.unpack('<I', data)[0]
return int(data)
except ValueError:
if data.strip(b' \x00') == b'':
return 0
raise ValueError(
'Memo index is not an integer: {!r}'.format(data))
[docs] def parseM(self, field, data):
"""Parse memo field (M, G, B or P)
Returns memo index (an integer), which can be used to look up
the corresponding memo in the memo file.
memo = self.get_memo(self._parse_memo_index(data))
# Visual FoxPro allows binary data in memo fields.
# These should not be decoded as string.
if isinstance(memo, BinaryMemo):
return memo
if memo is None:
return None
return memo.decode(self.encoding)
[docs] def parseN(self, field, data):
"""Parse numeric field (N)
Returns int, float or None if the field is empty.
return int(data)
except ValueError:
if not data.strip():
return None
# Account for , in numeric fields
return float(data.replace(b',', b'.'))
[docs] def parseO(self, field, data):
"""Parse long field (O) and return float."""
return struct.unpack('d', data)[0]
[docs] def parseT(self, field, data):
"""Parse time field (T)
Returns datetime.datetime or None"""
# Julian day (32-bit little endian)
# Milliseconds since midnight (32-bit little endian)
# "The Julian day or Julian day number (JDN) is the number of days
# that have elapsed since 12 noon Greenwich Mean Time (UT or TT) on
# Monday, January 1, 4713 BC in the proleptic Julian calendar
# 1. That day is counted as Julian day zero. The Julian day system
# was intended to provide astronomers with a single system of dates
# that could be used when working with different calendars and to
# unify different historical chronologies." - wikipedia.org
# Offset from julian days (used in the file) to proleptic Gregorian
# ordinals (used by the datetime module)
offset = 1721425 # Todo: will this work?
if data.strip():
# Note: if the day number is 0, we return None
# I've seen data where the day number is 0 and
# msec is 2 or 4. I think we can safely return None for those.
# (At least I hope so.)
day, msec = struct.unpack('<LL', data)
if day:
dt = datetime.datetime.fromordinal(day - offset)
delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=msec/1000)
return dt + delta
return None
return None
[docs] def parseY(self, field, data):
"""Parse currency field (Y) and return decimal.Decimal.
The field is encoded as a 8-byte little endian integer
with 4 digits of precision."""
value = struct.unpack('<q', data)[0]
# Currency fields are stored with 4 points of precision
return Decimal(value) / 10000
[docs] def parseB(self, field, data):
"""Binary memo field or double precision floating point number
dBase uses B to represent a memo index (10 bytes), while
Visual FoxPro uses it to store a double precision floating
point number (8 bytes).
if self.dbversion in [0x30, 0x31, 0x32]:
return struct.unpack('d', data)[0]
return self.get_memo(self._parse_memo_index(data))
[docs] def parseG(self, field, data):
"""OLE Object stored in memofile.
The raw data is returned as a binary string."""
return self.get_memo(self._parse_memo_index(data))
[docs] def parseP(self, field, data):
"""Picture stored in memofile.
The raw data is returned as a binary string."""
return self.get_memo(self._parse_memo_index(data))
# Autoincrement field ('+')
parse2B = parseI
# Timestamp field ('@')
parse40 = parseT