Source code for


     Contains methods for calculating characteristics of open channel flow.
     Currently only used to calculate conveyance for a channel section.

     Duncan Runnacles

     01 Apr 2016

     Duncan Runnacles 2016




import math

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import ship.utils.utilfunctions as utilfunc

[docs]def interpolateGaps(y_vals, space): """ Fill in any large gaps in the depths list Args: y_vals(list): elevation values. space(float): maximum allowable difference between interpolation values. Return: list of new y values to calculate conveyance for. """ depths = sorted(y_vals) location = len(y_vals) - 1 while location > 0: diff = depths[location] - depths[location-1] if diff > space: no_insert = int(diff / space) for j in range(0, no_insert): baseline = depths[location] depths.insert(location, baseline - space) location -= 1 else: location -= 1 return depths
[docs]def calcConveyance(x_vals, y_vals, panel_vals=[], n_vals=None, depths=[], no_panels=False, interpolate_space=0, tolerance=0.0): """Calculate conveyance over a range of depths from min to max elevation. Args: x_vals(list): cross section chainage values. y_vals(list): corresponding elevation values panel_vals=[](list): corresponding panel locations. n_vals=[](list): corresponding mannings n values. depths=[](list): list of depths required. Any specific depths needed. no_panels(Bool): If false any panels found will not be included in the calculations. interpolate_space=0(int): float stipulating the maximum allowable space between depths. If zero then only section elevations will be used. tolerance=0.0(float): tolerance used to identify negative conveyance. if the reduction in conveyance is less than tolerance it will not be flagged. Return: Tuple: list: containing a dictionary for each depth with: Conveyance: the conveyance value calculated. Stage: the depth of the value calculated. Negative: boolean - True if value less than previous depth. boolean: True if contains a negative conveyance. """ def checkVars(x_vals, n_vals, depths): """Check variables before running. If n_vals elements are None they will be replaced with the default value of 0.04. Args: x_vals(list): cross section chainage values. n_vals=[](list): corresponding mannings n values. depths=[](list): list of depths required. Any specific depths needed. Return: tuple: depths(list), roughness(list) """ if len(depths) < 1: depths = sorted(y_vals) if interpolate_space > 0: depths = interpolateGaps(y_vals, interpolate_space) else: depths = sorted(y_vals) # If not n vals supplied set up some defaults if not isinstance(n_vals, list): if not n_vals == None: n_vals= [n_vals] * len(x_vals) else: n_vals = [0.04] * len(x_vals) return depths, n_vals def buildSections(x_vals, y_vals, n_vals, panel_vals, no_panels): """Create the section setups needed based on the inputs Args: x_vals(list): cross section chainage values. y_vals(list): corresponding elevation values n_vals=[](list): corresponding mannings n values. panel_vals=[](list): corresponding panel locations. no_panels(Bool): If false any panels found will not be included in the calculations. Return: list of all of the panel section data as tuple(x(list), y(list), n(list)). """ all_sections = [] # If there's only one panel wanted only create one section from all # of the data provided. Otherwise create multiple sections split on # panel markers indices if len(panel_vals) < 1 or no_panels == True: x_arr = x_vals y_arr = y_vals n_arr = n_vals all_sections.append([x_arr, y_arr, n_arr]) else: indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(panel_vals) if x == True] start = 0 for i in indices: x_arr = x_vals[start:i+1] y_arr = y_vals[start:i+1] n_arr = n_vals[start:i] all_sections.append([x_arr, y_arr, n_arr]) start = i x_arr = x_vals[start:] y_arr = y_vals[start:] n_arr = n_vals[start:] all_sections.append([x_arr, y_arr, n_arr]) return all_sections def calcSectionK(section, depth): """Calculate conveyance (K) for each section at the given depth. section is a list of tuples containing the data for each section of channel geometry in the cross section (i.e. each set of two x and y points and their associated roughness value). Args: section(list): containing variables for this geometrical section. depth(float): the depth below which to calculate conveyance. Return: Dict: containing lists of area, wp and n * wp """ panel_data = {'area': [], 'wp': [], 'nxwp': []} def addToPanel(area, wp, nxwp): """Add calculated values to panel list """ panel_data['area'].append(area) panel_data['wp'].append(wp) panel_data['nxwp'].append(nxwp) # Loop through each of the channel data sections (i.e. the sets of # x's) and calculate K for the piece. Then add to the panel list. for i in range(1, len(section[0])): x1 = section[0][i] x2 = section[0][i-1] y1 = section[1][i] y2 = section[1][i-1] n = section[2][i-1] miny, maxy, same_val = utilfunc.findMax(y1, y2) # Water level lower than min elevation so no K if depth < miny: addToPanel(0, 0, 0) else: height = maxy - miny width = abs(x1-x2) # Need to scale the triangle because the depth is lower than # the top of the x/y triangle. Reduce x by the same factor as # we're reducing y. if depth < maxy: height2 = depth - miny width = width * (height2 / height) height = height2 maxy = depth # If the y vals are the same then wp is just the difference # between the x values, and the flow area contributed to by the # difference in y is 0. otherwise it's the hypotenus and the # area is taken from the triangle. if same_val: wp = width area = 0 else: wp = math.sqrt(height**2.0 + width**2.0) area = ((height * width) / 2) # flow above it to area. if maxy < depth: area += ((depth - maxy) * width) # Finally calculate mannings x wetted perimiter and add to the # panel calcs list. nxwp = n * wp addToPanel(area, wp, nxwp) #print 'Stage = %f : Area = %f : WP = %f : NxWP = %f' % (depth, area, wp, nxwp) return panel_data depths, n_vals = checkVars(x_vals, n_vals, depths) all_sections = buildSections(x_vals, y_vals, n_vals, panel_vals, no_panels) # Loop through the depths calculating K and add the sum af the conveyance # from each panel together and put results in a list to return to the # calling function. results = [] has_negative = False previous_k = -1 for d in depths: total_k = [] # There could be one panel or many so loop through them all at each # depth calc and calculate flow area and wetted perimiter for each # x/y pair before using to calculate conveyance. for section in all_sections: panel_data = calcSectionK(section, d) total_area = sum(panel_data['area']) total_wp = sum(panel_data['wp']) total_nxwp = sum(panel_data['nxwp']) if not total_wp == 0.0: panel_k = ( (total_area**5.0 / total_wp**2.0 )**(1.0/3.0) ) * ( total_wp / total_nxwp ) #print 'Panel totals' #print 'Stage = %f : Area = %f : WP = %f : NxWP = %f' % (d, total_area, total_wp, total_nxwp) else: panel_k = 0.0 total_k.append(panel_k) negative = False depth_k = sum(total_k) if not previous_k == -1 and previous_k > depth_k: if (previous_k - depth_k) > tolerance: negative = True has_negative = True previous_k = depth_k results.append([depth_k, d, negative]) #print 'Depth Totals' #print 'Conveyance at depth: %f = %f\n' % (d, depth_k) return results, has_negative