Feature Requests

All feature requests are considered. So please feel free to offer any that you have. However, please be aware that this library is generally maintained to help reduce that amount of repetative code that we write for our software. Therefore things are normally prioritised based on what we need at the time. If you would like to Contribute something you have added please do so. I’d recommend letting me know if you plan to work on something though, to avoid conflicting additions.


If you use (or are thinking of using) this library and believe there are some things that you would like to add to it, please do! If you have any questions I’m more than happy to discuss how aspects of it work. Over time I plan to add more details on the design here as well.

If you plan to work on something perhaps let me know so we don’t have repeated effort, or overlapping work. If you’d like to contribute something, but you don’t know what I have a long list of things like I’d like to get done.

Main Requirements

The most obvious missing feature at the moment is FMP unit coverage. Focus up to this point has been getting the API reasonably solid and making sure that the foundations are in place. The amount of FMP units currently included is therefore a bit limited (partly by design and not wanting to re-write them all after changes). Normally we will add new units when they are needed for a script or a tool. If there is one that you need it is probably a good place to start with contributions.

Have a look at Adding a new AUnit for a walkthrough on what needs to be done to build a new unit.

It would also be great if you could let me know if you’re planning on working on anything. Then we can try and avoid duplicated effort.


The API has a suite of unit tests for all of its components. These use the Python UnitTest Framework. Unit tests allow for the software to be fully checked to make sure that it operates as intended by ensuring all behaviour is reviewed for a range of circumstances.

If you want to better understand the API the tests are a good place to start. The tests show how the functions should be working. They should also help to better understand some of the data structures.

There is a folder within the library called “tests” that contains the UnitTestSuite.py file. This file calls all of the individual tests. All new functionality should have unit tests written and stored in this package.

Whenever any changes are made to the code base in the API the full suite of unit tests should be run to check that the changes have not broken any other part of the code base. These should be done with “tox” to ensure that a clean environment is used and it is checked against both python 2.7 and 3.5. There is a “tox.ini” file in the main folder. If you do:

$ cd SHIP
$ tox

the tox.ini file should take care of the rest.

There is also a set of integration tests in the ‘integration_tests’ folder. These deal with more realistic use of the API (loading actual model data and changing some stuff to see what happens). They don’t use the UnitTest framework, they’re just a few modules with a __main__ module. When you update the library they will almost certainly fail until updated themselves. Probably don’t worry too much about them when you add content; I’ll have a look at them later.


All logging is done through the use of the Python built in logging API. “print” statements should not be used for debugging.

Where output is needed use: logger.mychosenlogginglevel(‘mydebugmessage’)

Where mychosenlogginglevel (in order from top down) is:
  • error
  • warning
  • info
  • debug

Normal outputs will probably be set to info, so anything for developer only purposes should be set to debug. Anything the user might find helpful should be set to info and any problems should be set to warning or error.

The logger should be requested at the top of every module using:

from utils Import log
logger = log.setup_custom_logger(__name__)

Using logging in this way means that there won’t be print statements littered throughout the code and it’s easy to change the output formatting, logging level etc in the master log file in utils.log, which will have a global effect.

API Architecture