API Changes

There have a been a lot of changes to method names and a few classes when finalising the updates from version 0.2.5 to 0.3.0. This are fixed now and and further changes will be subject to deprecation.

A major change to all TuflowFile and PathHolder classes is that the member *file_name* is now called *filename*. This has been bugging me for a long time and it was also inconsistent throughout the API.

Most of the functions and methods in the filetools.py module have had the ‘get’ removed from the front of the method name (e.g. getAbsolutePath is now just ‘absolutePath’.

The changes to the tuflow package are too extensive to sum up in a short changes summary. To see how it now works you should look at the docs. The ethos for accessing data is still quite similar, it is just set out in a slightly different way.

Below is a list of the main changes to the isis (now fmp) package to ease the transition of existing code. They are ordered by module.

The biggest changes for the isis package are:

  • the package name change from isis to fmp
  • all dict key have been converted to lowercase with ‘_’ separators. (e.g. ‘initial_conditions’). Previously there was very little consistency.
  • The data_structures package has also been renamed to datastructures. This is to have a consistent naming convention with all the others.


The abstract base class for all units in the fmp/isis package

  • Name changed from AIsisUnit to AUnit. The software name has changed and it seemed like now was a good time to get this update done.
  • Unit name is now exclusively stored in the AUnit.name member. Before it was in name and in head_data[‘section_label’]. This was hard to keep in sync.
  • Downstream label is now exclusively stored in the AUnit._name_ds member. Before it was stored in head_data[‘lable_downstream’].
  • AUnit.has_data_rows member is no longer available. This value is not stored anymore, only calculated. There is a prooperty available called has_row_data.
  • row_collections and additional_row_collections no longer exist. All row data is now stored in a dict called row_data. All AUnit’s that contain row data will definitely have the key ‘main’, which is usually geometry data. If there are other RowDataCollections they will be stored in this dict under a different name (e.g. ‘opening’ for BridgeUnitArch).

In order to make the API a little bit more pythonic and make the method/function names a bit clearer (in some cases they had even shifted from oler functionality and the names had not been updated!) some names have changed or been shifted to property’s. Pretty much any function/method with ‘get’ at the start has had the ‘get’ removed. This was a legacy from the initial Java implementation and is not used in Python. These include:

  • getUnitVars: these are not longer used, so this is gone.
  • getName, getUnitType, getUnitCategory. These are either variables or properties. To call them just use the variable name (e.g. .name, .unit_type, .unit_category).
  • getDeepCopy: now called copy.
  • getRowDataType: now called rowDataType.
  • getRow: now called row.
  • getHeadData: no longer used. Use the dict variable .head_data instead.
  • deleteDataRow: now called deleteRow.
  • updateDataRow: now called updateRow.
  • _checkChainageIncreaseNotNegative: now called check increases. This is mostly only used internally anyway. Note that the args list for this is different. It takes any series rather than just chainage.

The AUnit.head_data is now no longer a simple dict with values assigned. It is a dict with ship.fmp.headdata.HeadDataItem’s. This allows value to checked when added and better constraints and error messages. It means that instead of accessing values as a normal dict you will need to do this:

# assume we have a RiverUnit called river
# old way - this no longer works
distance = river.head_data['distance']

# new way
distance = river.head_data['distance'].value

# same with setting
river.head_data['distance'].value = 12.5


Not as much changed in here:

  • getIndex: changed to index.
  • getUnitsByCategory: changed to unitsByCategory.
  • getUnitsByType: changed unitsByType.
  • getUnit: changed to unit. Note that this also accepts an optional unit_category arg now, as well as the optional unit_type arg.
  • getNumberOfUnits: changed to numberOfUnits.


Note that a bulkInitCollection classmethod has been added which takes a list of DataObject’s, rather than having to add each one separately.

Most of the changes in here are actually additions of new methods to make accessing different types of data a little easier (see the docs for more info on that). There are a few existing changes though. Changes:

  • rowDataAsList: changed to toList.
  • addValue and setValue: changed to _addValue and _setValue. You probably shouldn’t be calling these anyway (use addRow and setRow instead).
  • addNewRow: changed to addRow.